A Clever Ad!

I thought this was a brilliant idea for an advertisement. All it looks like at first is a Lego man with some cool pictures Photoshopped on him to make it look like he has tattoos.

Then you realize that it is actually an advertisement for a pen that lets you draw very small details accurately. AWESOME!

Nokia Morph Concept

I had a great time last week. I went to Tateyama and helped a friend out with a little carpentry. I’m not really good at carpentry I just do what I’m told and I do alright. But it was really great to be out doors. Tateyama is really out in the country side so there was very little chance to get online, but I think it was good to get away from my computer for awhile and really soak up some good country air and do some hard manual labor. ha (will post some pictures of the project soon)

Speaking of technology, I ran across this video which is a concept mobile phone. Technology is advancing!

other interesting conceptions here

Continuance USB Batteries

What a wonderful idea! Batteries with a USB interface on the side. They are also rechargeable! What a fantastic design concept. I hope they make these soon.

Continuance is an iF concept design entry for 2011

Found this here!

Other great concept I have featured are the future urinal and the wristband computer!