Tim Shumate’s Art

What can I say! Incredibly talented artist. Love his work.


Clever and Cute Illustrations

Nacho Diaz

Very funny and cute illustrations. I like it.

A Clever Ad!

I thought this was a brilliant idea for an advertisement. All it looks like at first is a Lego man with some cool pictures Photoshopped on him to make it look like he has tattoos.

Then you realize that it is actually an advertisement for a pen that lets you draw very small details accurately. AWESOME!

The Art of Daniel Lieske

The wonderful art of Daniel Lieske. His art is original, cute, interesting, and the colors he uses are just right in my books.

My Funny Son

I was going on a walk the other day with my kids when my eldest son, Kayden, sat down on a rock and gave me a really sweet smile. “Take a picture of me”, he said.

So I took out my camera and took a picture.

cute! I thought. So I took another.

I was so pleased! My son, who usually insists on trying to come up with the most goofy faces possible, was taking nice smiling photos.

I bet my son read my mind, because he let all his pent up foolishness that he had been holding back for the last two photos all come out.

Still cute…I think.

Forest Reading

Another kids coloring page I drew. It took me about an hour and a half to finish it. This time I decided t o video myself drawing it so I have something to put up on my youtube account which has been quite dead recently.

Anyways here is the video and the picture. Stay tuned for more of my art…which will come soon I hope.

Check out my other sketches here and here!